The seventh winner of RAW Contest 2019
Here we go and our seventh finalist of RAW Contest 2019 in Instagram.
We are happy to tell you that the photographer from Chicago Ashley Binkowski (@bink.pic) won in the seventh month. Her work on the theme "City in action" got the most votes.
Now she was featured at RAW Streetphoto Gallery, will participate in Rotterdam Photo Festival February 2020.
There is her story how was taken winning shot. Enjoy!
"I was studying in Prague, Czech Republic for the spring semester and I had a photography class that day. We were analyzing long exposure photographs which inspired me to go out and try right after all of my classes ended. I always had my camera on me, so on my way home I decided to walk around and try to take some long exposure shots of the tram or people walking by. I waited for the right moment and after a few shots and adjustments I ended up with this photograph!"
RAW Streetphoto Gallery is really glad to see her among the winners.
Stay tuned and follow us on Instagram to know everything that is going on right now with #rawcontest19 :)