The fifth winner of RAW Contest 2019
Happy New Year to everyone!
We continue to introduce you our winners of RAW Contest 2019.
Welcome the fifth photographer from Turkey Alp Peker (@alpqwerty)! His work on the theme "City Childhood" got the most votes.
Now he was featured at RAW Streetphoto Gallery, will participate in Rotterdam Photo Festival February 2020.

He has a very interesting view on street photography.
Look what he told us about his winning shot:
"It's a photograph combining two interesting subjects. Children and sexuality. There is so much social ethical inhibition. We never teach kids about sexuality, only saying there are inappropriate things to do. We say showing skin is inappropriate. Social media has its own policy against pictures of male, female, children body and its becoming even more strict. We are teaching kids how to apply to the rules of societal norms. We are trying to create a standardized society. We keep on doing that and we generate a culture that doesn't think or question. It's a photograph of two identical twin kids with three naked statues and their butts. I saw these kids walking around the Vigeland park in Norway, a place filled with statues of naked bodies. I saw this pattern of butts, and waited for them to come around. And released the shutter in the moment of this lovely pattern I saw. And this photograph happened."
RAW Streetphoto Gallery is really glad to see him among the winners.
Stay tuned and follow us on Instagram to know everything that is going on right now in the Gallery.