Short Interview with Pablo Hernandez

RAW Streetphoto Gallery is proud to represent Mexican street photographer Pablo Hernandez in our RAW Streetphoto Store, where you can find and order his amazing photoshots with really unique approach and style.
Pablo is living in Huatusco, Mexico and studying the degree in photography at the Universidad Veracruzana.
RAW asked him some questions about Street Photography, start of photoshooting and his portraits.
RAW Streetphoto Gallery: What is main idea of street photography in your opinion? What is most important to convey in/by photography?
Pablo Hernandez: I think that the main idea of ​​street photography is to contextualize the society portrayed and to be able to transmit the current situation of a society is very important and more in Mexico that different social strata meet in the same city with a small difference of distance. The most essential thing is to transmit the essence of society.
RAW: How did you start to take pictures? Was it by chance or were you consciously going to this?
Pablo: I began by photographing landscapes and flowers, but gradually I got closer to the streets and realized that photographing urban spaces is very valuable for getting to know oneself and everything around us. I certainly think he was aware.
RAW: Do you have any idols of Street photography on which you orient yourself or which you explore in details?
Pablo: Of course, there are two photographers who inspire me a lot: Andre D. Wagner (RAW: Street photographer from NYC showing American life) and Bruce Davidson (Wikipedia).
RAW: On your website there are a lot of portraits. What is more important for you in portraits: eyes, facial expression or the whole of image? Who do you love to take pictures more: men or women?
Pablo: I consider that the most important thing is the whole of everything, from the eyes to the bottom. Everything must be in a certain harmony to be a successful photograph. I consider women as strong and beautiful as they are, even become muses for many artists.
RAW: Some people say that the work of a photographer is full freedom without any frames. Is it true? How do you see the art of photography in the future?
Pablo: I think it's true, but it certainly depends on how the photographer wants to work and the possibilities that are allowed. I see the way of art in a difficult way, yes you can not become a millionaire, I think you can live worthily of making art and that many people see and feel your work.
Thank you, Pablo, for sharing your feelings and thoughts.