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One year of RAW Streetphoto Gallery

One year ago, April 2016 we have inaugurated the new gallery for emerging street photographers. RAW Streetphoto Gallery since then has made a big step in its development. We have made 10 exhibitions, participated in one international art fair, we have started the development of new trends like Street fashion photography and creating interesting workshops. We have opened online store that we are very proud to exhibit the full diversity of photography and give a possibility for emerging artist demonstrate to the audience their works.

There were difficult times and happy times. But in spite all difficulties we remember that what we are doing is bringing the effect for the city life, it creates the possibilities for photographers to evolve in their visions of art and public can discover the new creativity.

The gallery development has lead to creating of new point of interest for artists and visitors of the city.



Our effort of development has lead us for being noticed by local, national and international community of photographers and press.

The next year we promise to continue the mission of the gallery – to create the movement of street photography, support emerging artists and participate at international art fairs, to uprise the curating and exhibiting difficulties to the new level in order to promote emerging artists for the higher possibilities.

Thank for believing in us.

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